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Monday, January 17, 2005

Answers to quiz:
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
xA Q 10 8 3 uQ 4 vVoid wK 10 9 8 3 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1w Pass 1x Dbl
Rdbl 2u 3w Pass
What do you bid now?
A. It sounds as if slam depends on partner having either first- or second-round heart control. The way to find out is to jump to five spades. Bidding over game tells partner you are worried about two fast losers in the opponents' suit. With second-round control North should raise to six spades; with first-round control, a cue-bid of six hearts is in order.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x10 7 5 3 uA J 9 7 6 v7 5 4 w6
The bidding has proceeded:
1v Dbl ?
What action do you take?
A. The common practice is to ignore the double if you intend responding at the one-level and make your normal action. Bid one heart.
Q. Vulnerable, you hold:
xA 9 7 2 uVoid vK J 8 6 4 2 wK J 5
Partner opens the bidding with a weak two hearts. What action do you take?
A. Partner does not have values for an opening bid of one in a suit and you know that the hand is probably a complete misfit. Pass, and hope that the opponents reopen the bidding and get into trouble.
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
xQ 6 u4 2 vJ 9 6 5 2 w10 4 3 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1v Dbl ?
What action do you take?
A. There is only one action that can be taken -- a jump to three diamonds. After a takeout double at your right, that bid is preemptive. Any other bid is clearly wrong.
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
x10 8 5 2 uJ 10 2 wA K 8 vA 10 4
Partner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond?
A. Your prime values and good intermediates make your hand worth at least a couple of points more than its count. That gives you the perfect shape and strength for a jump to two no trump. Make it. Should partner then raise to three no trump, we would elect to play there rather than correct to four hearts.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
xJ 5 uA 9 8 3 2 vJ 6 4 3 2 w4
The bidding has proceeded:
1w Pass 1u Pass
1x Pass ?
What do you bid now?
A. The one bid you cannot make now is two diamonds. Even if you do not play that the fourth suit is a game force, the new suit is still forcing for one round. You do not want to give partner the impression, with your weak holding and marked misfit, that you have values. All you can do is bid one no trump, ugly as that is.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services