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shady areas

Saturday, February 26, 2005

What to plant
When you're dreaming up your spring gardening plans, keep in mind these shade plants recommended by "The Old Farmer's Almanac Gardener's Companion All-Seasons Garden Guide:"
Alpine barrenwort: green, heart-shaped leaves turn bronze in fall. Various flower colors are available.
Bleeding heart: a fernlike plant that produces drooping, heart-shaped flowers in spring.
Bugleweed: with purple and green leaves and blue or pink flowers in summer.
Coral bells: clumps of green or purple leaves topped with pink or white spires of flowers in early summer.
Cranesbill: fernlike leaves and white, pink, purple or blue flowers from early summer to early fall. All but small, compact species are recommended.
Lily-of-the-valley: a low-growing plant with fragrant, tiny white bells in late spring.
Plantain lily (hosta): glossy leaves in various shades of green or blue or variegated forms.
Spotted deadnettle: a hardy ground cover with variegated leaves and, in late spring, purple flowers.
Sweet woodruff: ground cover with tiny white flowers that bloom in late spring.
Wakerobin (trillium): three-leaved plant with white, gold or maroon flowers in spring.
White wood aster: spreading plant that produces white flowers in late summer.
Source: Knight Ridder Newspapers