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Today is Thursday, Feb. 24, the 55th day of 2005. There are 310 days left in the year. On this date

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Today is Thursday, Feb. 24, the 55th day of 2005. There are 310 days left in the year. On this date in 1868, the House of Representatives impeaches President Andrew Johnson following his attempted dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; Johnson is later acquitted by the Senate.
In 1821, Mexico declares its independence from Spain. In 1863, Arizona is organized as a territory. In 1903, the United States signs an agreement acquiring a naval station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. In 1920, a fledgling German political party holds its first meeting of importance in Munich; it becomes known as the Nazi Party, and its chief spokesman is Adolf Hitler. In 1942, the Voice of America goes on the air for the first time. In 1945, American soldiers liberate the Philippine capital of Manila from Japanese control during World War II. In 1955, the Cole Porter musical "Silk Stockings" opens at the Imperial Theater on Broadway. In 1980, the U.S. hockey team defeats Finland, four goals to two, to clinch the gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games in Lake Placid, N.Y. In 1983, a congressional commission releases a report condemning the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II as a "grave injustice." In 1989, a state funeral is held in Japan for Emperor Hirohito, who had died the month before at age 87.
February 24, 1980: A new law may be needed before Warren city and Howland Township officials can establish an annexation policy. The law would allow the city to compensate the township with a portion of its local government funds in exchange for cooperation on annexation.
Sharon Steel Corp. is expressing an interest in buying the Empire-Detroit Steel Division of Cyclops Corp. in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mahoning County commissioners are considering imposing a half-cent sales tax that is estimated to generate between $1.5 million $2.5 million a year.
February 24, 1965: Commercial Shearing and Stamping Co. will build a 12,000-square-foot building at its Logan Avenue plant to provide storage for its hydraulics products.
Stan Laurel, who declined to appear in public after the death of his actor partner, Oliver Hardy, dies at his Santa Monica home of a heart attack at 74.
Jack C. Arnett, 29, of Hubbard is killed when a crane he was operating at construction of the Pennsylvania Shortway near Hubbard overturns, pinning him beneath it. It was his first day on the job for the S.J. Grove Construction Co.
February 24, 1955: Fifth Ward Councilman John Oesch says a new bridge across Mill Creek Park midway between the Mahoning Avenue and Lanterman's Falls bridges should be the top consideration in any capital improvement program. The existing bridges are too narrow to handle increased traffic caused by West Side expansion.
The Vindicator's 690 carrier boys on their regular routes deliver more than 40,000 Truth Dollar envelopes seeking contributions to the Crusade for Freedom, which supports Radio Free Europe.
Mahoning County Welfare Director I.L. Feuer says he will not take over supervision of the Mahoning County Home until the move is given clear-cut legal approval by Prosecutor William A. Ambrose. County commissioners recently voted to turn the home over to the welfare department.
February 24, 1930: A group of local coal dealers files a complaint with Youngstown City Council accusing Traffic Commissioner Carl Olson of using his position to win work for his private business and calls for his removal.
Six men are arrested in connection with an auto theft ring in Youngstown. A seventh member of the ring, a juvenile, is also being held. Police have recovered nine stolen cars.
The number of arrests in Youngstown in connection with clearing house number lotteries rises to 41 with the latest round up of 16 men and two women at a counting house on E. Federal Street.