Saturday, February 19, 2005
YOUNGSTOWN -- One city man is going to prison for selling drugs and another will do time in the county jail for his failure to pay child support.
Judge R. Scott Krichbaum of Mahoning County Common Pleas Court sentenced John Kloos, 51, of Overlook Avenue, to two years in prison on three counts of drug trafficking.
Kloos pleaded guilty to the charges in December and was in court Friday for sentencing.
Police said he sold OxyContin, a painkiller, within 1,000 feet of a school on three occasions in January and February 2004.
The judge also said Donald Eynon, 56, of South Avenue, must serve six months in the county jail for nonpayment of child support.
After the jail time, Eynon will be on five years' probation and must participate in a Community Corrections Association program. He also is to pay a specific amount of support on a monthly basis.
The judge told Eynon he would put him in prison for a year if he violates any terms of his probation.