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Friday, February 18, 2005

Neither vulnerable. North deals.
x -9 8 2
u -A 9
v -K Q 10 5 2
w -A 9 8
x -10 x -K Q J 7 3
u -10 6 5 4 3 u -J 2
v -8 7 3 v -A 6 4
w -7 5 4 2 w -Q 10 6
x -A 6 5 4
u -K Q 8 7
v -J 9
w -K J 3
The bidding:
1D 1S Dbl Pass
2D Pass 3NT Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: Ten of x
Here's another hand provided by West Coast world champion/writer/teacher Eddie Kantar for improving the play of average players, published in the Daily Bulletin of the recent Fall North American Championships.
South's double of East's one-spade overcall was negative, for takeout not penalties, and promised four hearts. North would have liked to bid one no trump to show a balanced hand, but lack of a spade stopper prevented that. So North rebid his five-card minor, and South's jump to three no trump closed the auction.
West led ten of spades and, if East signals encouragement with the seven, declarer will coast home. West cannot continue spades, and South has time to force out the ace of diamonds and score one spade, three hearts, four diamonds and two or three clubs.
With the 9 8 of spades on view in dummy, East should realize that his 7 will win the fourth round of the suit. Since South cannot hold more than four spades, East should overtake partner's ten in case it is a singleton and continue with high spades to force out the ace. East cannot be stopped from scoring four spades and the ace of diamonds for a one-trick set.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services