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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Both vulnerable. North deals.
x -A 8 5 3 2
u -K 9 5
v -J 4
w -A 10 6
x -Q 10 7 x -K 9
u -Q u -6
v -10 9 8 7 5 2 v -A K Q 6 3
w -8 4 3 w -Q J 7 5 2
x -J 6 4
u -A J 10 8 7 4 3 2
v -Void
w -K 9
The bidding:
1x 2v 2u 4w
4u Pass 6u Pass
Pass Pass
Opening lead: Ten of v
Wherever possible, try to disguise your line of play. Revealing too much to the enemy can make life easy for them. Consider this deal from a team match.
The bidding was similar at the two tables. Both Norths opened the bidding and, under pressure, supported hearts at the four-level, and both Souths ended in six hearts.
At both tables West led the 10 of diamonds. Declarer's technique at the one table was exemplary. After ruffing the opening lead in hand, declarer drew both outstanding trumps by crossing to the king in dummy, and ruffed the remaining diamond. Next came the king of clubs, a club to the ace and a club ruff.
The groundwork for an endplay had been laid. Declarer led a spade to the ace and was ready to endplay East. Unfortunately, the defender saw that the king of spades was an embarrassment and jettisoned his majesty under the ace. As a result, West was able to win the next spade with the ten and cash the queen for down one.
At the other table South also realized the necessity of endplaying one of the defenders, but he timed the play differently. After ruffing a diamond at trick one, declarer led a spade to the ace preparatory to ruffing another diamond. Perhaps East should have foreseen what was happening, but it was by no means clear. At the table East contributed the nine, and declarer was on the way home.
The remaining diamond was ruffed, trumps were drawn and clubs were eliminated, East having to follow to all these tricks. Now declarer exited with a spade, and East had to win with the king. Left with only minor-suit cards, East was forced to give declarer a ruff-sluff and the contract was home.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services