Monday, February 14, 2005
Q 1 - Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-Void u-Q J 8 5 2 v-A K 8 w-J 10 9 3 2
The bidding has proceeded:
4x ?
What action do you take?
A - Don't take the opponents out of a potentially bad situation. There is no reason that you can take 11 tricks when partner could do no more than make a single raise of your overcall. But you do have two defensive tricks and knowledge not available to declarer -- he is probably running into a bad trump break. Pass.
Q 2 - Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-Q 9 2 u-J 7 v-A J 9 4 2 w-A J 4
The bidding has proceeded:
1v Pass 1x Pass
What do you bid now?
A - The one bid you can rule out is two diamonds with your weak five-card suit. That makes it a choice between two spades and one no trump. There is little to choose between the two, but we have a slight preference for the spade raise.
Q 3 - Vulnerable, you hold:
x-J 9 7 u-K 9 4 v-A K 8 3 w-K 10 9
Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond?
A - We would not make a forcing raise in spades with this balanced hand. Our choice is two no trump. However, if, in your methods, that is a forcing raise in spades, we would temporize with a bid of two diamonds.
Q 4 - Vulnerable, you hold:
x-Void u-9 5 v-A Q 10 9 3 w-A Q 8 5 4 2
What is your opening bid?
A - Before deciding on your opening bid, consider what you would do if you opened one club and partner did anything other than respond with a bid in a minor. Two diamonds would be a reverse, and your hand is not quite good enough. The solution is to open one diamond, giving you an easy two-club rebid.
Q 5 - Both vulnerable, you hold:
x-10 8 5 3 u-K J v-A K 10 5 4 3 w-K
Partner opens the bidding with a weak two spades. What do you respond?
A - First, do not even think of looking for slam. Partner's preempt denies two aces, so even five spades would be too high. Bid four spades. Vulnerable, partner should have a good suit, but don't be surprised if, on a heart lead, even a 10-trick contract fails.
Q 6 - East-West vulnerable, as South you hold:
x-Void u-A 9 7 v-A J 9 8 6 w-K Q 7 4 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1v Pass 1x Pass
2w Pass 3w Pass
What do you bid now?
A - From a hand that started out with mixed prospects, you now want to investigate a possible slam even though partner has not yet shown great strength (three clubs could be passed!). Start an orderly investigation with a cue-bid of three hearts. A favorable response from partner could have you off and running.
& copy; 2005 Tribune Media Services