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HELOISE Readers, staff share unique pet names

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Dear Readers: We recently featured a column about polydactyl cats where we asked readers to send in photos of their cats. We received hundreds! As we were going through them, we found many of the pet names to be unique, fitting and amusing. Here are some examples:
UThirza Smith of Hingham, Mass., has a black cat named Ivory.
UFrank and Joy Blazek of Vienna, W.Va., have two black cats named Coal and Tar.
UBarbara Thomas of Arlington, Texas, has two cats named Black and Decker.
UCindy Lacasse of Jackman, Maine, has two cats named Hocus and Pocus.
Then I checked with my office, and here are some of their pets' names.
URuth has two Rottweilers named Cayenne and Serrano. Unlike their hot-and-spicy names, they both have quite mild dispositions.
UKelly has a Chihuahua named Peso. He is little-bitty, but worth his weight in gold pesos!
UKathy's mother has two dogs named Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot. They all live happily in Camelot.
UJanie has two dogs named Georgie (named because she was found in Georgia) and Vinny (proper name Vincenzo Barbarino).
UI love miniature schnauzers and name mine after types of wines. We have had Zinfandel and Sauvignon, and now we have Cabernet. They are full-bodied with playful undertones.
Now it's your turn to share your unique pet's name. We will pick some of our favorites, and those readers will receive a set of Heloise pamphlets. So, send in your entry today, and we will print the winning ones in an upcoming Saturday column. Heloise
Dear Readers: Mayre McDougle of Palestine, Texas, sent us a cute pet photo of her daughter Amy blowing bubbles with her little kitty Sam. In the photo, Sam looks like he is mesmerized by the bubbles. Mayre says he stared at each bubble so intensely and with such an expression that a photo was a must. Visit my Web site,, and click on This Week's Pet to see this adorable kitten. Send your favorite, unusual pet photo to: Heloise/Pet Photo, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279. Heloise
Dear Heloise: I had a couple of finches in a cage on my patio. I put a birdbath in the cage, but they never seemed to use it. When I went to a veterinarian with my dog, I asked the vet about this. He told me that the birds might not be using the birdbath because they can't tell how deep it is. So, he suggested placing a marble or small pebble in the bottom of the birdbath. This allows birds to gauge the depth.
Sure enough, after I did this, my birds started using the bath. One note: The water gets yucky fast, so it really needs to be changed every day. Frankie in Arkansas
XSend a money-saving or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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