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Why think about change? Let me count the reasons

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Why think about change? Let me count the reasons
We readers of this paper are being urged to vote this way or that way in this election year; this vote is important, and not only for this country.
We are citizens of our state and our nation, but also of this planet. We are members of a single species, living only on this Earth; this election will affect this Earth.
We must decide whether to confirm a national government whose incompetence's and blemishes, fiscal, economic, judicial, and social, we see so readily, or to select one that proposes different policies.
The number is unknown, but this government has caused the deaths and wounding of thousands of Iraqi mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, who never harmed us. The same is true for thousands of our soldiers, and for no good reason.
Our planet is overpopulating, and we thus race to achieve depletion of the resources that sustain our and other species. Yet the current government refuses to participate in the international effort to avoid dangerous climatic changes. It declines, for ideological reasons, to help in birth control measures in other parts of the world. It dismisses, for specious reason, its own medical panels' recommendation to make the "morning after pill" readily available. It even refuses consideration of the condom, in its official discussions of sexuality.
Our present government wishes to prevent homosexuals from enjoying the contentment and happiness that a committed, permanent, monogamous relationship bestows.
They seek more and longer incarceration in our over-imprisoned populace by being "tough on crime." Why not try "intelligent on crime?"
These are some blemishes, and I am sure many others, like Koko, have "got a little list," but I have one more that I think is hateful and harmful in the extreme. This government inhibits, again for ideological reason, research on the use of stem cells to possibly treat or cure such horrific diseases as Alzheimer's. Parkinson's and diabetes. This last position alone is sufficient reason to return the current government to the abyss whence it came.
There are terrorists there and there are terrorists here
Al-Qaida are not the only terrorists we, as Americans, have to fear. There is a more insidious, more dastardly form of terrorism going on right here in the Mahoning Valley. The best example of this terrorism was told to me last week when I was talking with a worker at one of the Valley factories. He told me he would like to put a George Bush bumper sticker on his car, but his union president told him that if he did put a Bush sticker on his car, his car would get keyed.
I thought this was the United States, where all citizens are guaranteed, by the First Amendment to the Constitution, freedom of speech and, therefore, expression. Do the unions fear members exercising their freedoms to express dissenting views from the official union view?
With union terrorism alive and well in the Mahoning Valley, is it any wonder that businesses are not willing to relocate here? The unions complain that the Mahoning Valley has lost a lot of good paying jobs. Did any of them ever stop to think that it was the unions that forced those jobs out of the Valley?
In closing, if my vehicle is vandalized,, I'll know it was done by a union terrorist after reading this letter.