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MiniPage Teacher's Guide

Saturday, September 25, 2004

MiniPage Teacher's Guide
MiniPage activities meet many state and national educational standards. This week's standards: Students understand the interactions of people and their physical environment (Social Studies: People, Places and Environments). Students understand the physical characteristics of places: landforms, bodies of water, soil, vegetation, weather and climate (Geography).
1. Create a set of five West Virginia trading cards. Draw a picture of a person, place or activity on the front of a card. Write information about your picture on the back of the card.
2. Create sports-team names that would be good for West Virginia. Make at least one team name for each of these parts of West Virginia: (a) history, (b) culture, (c) art, (d) natural resources and (e) items produced in West Virginia.
3. Select five characters in the comics pages of your newspaper. Find a West Virginia attraction that would appeal to each character. Explain your choices.
4. Write a paragraph discussing the contributions West Virginia has made to the rest of the country in one of these areas: environment, civil rights, history.
5. Use resource books and the Internet to learn more about John Brown. Use these questions to guide your research: Who was John Brown? Why did he feel so strongly about slavery? Why did he make a stand at Harpers Ferry? What happened at Harpers Ferry? What happened as a result of Brown's actions?