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Russians paid the price for taking a Kerry-like approach in fight against terrorism

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Russians paid the price for taking a Kerry-like approach in fight against terrorism
When the two Russian airliners were blown out of the sky a week ago, I imagine that Russian families in the small city of Beslan thought that terrorism was a "Moscow problem." When a suicide bomber blew herself up outside a subway entrance days ago in that same city, Beslan families must have felt secure that big city problems were far away.
Now we've seen radical Islamist terrorists hold the little children of Beslan hostage and those same small town parents, sick with unimaginable fear, understand that terror can happen anywhere. Yes ... HERE, there, anywhere ... and as our major cities become more fortified, small town America will become an attractive target.
Russians did not support us in our war in Iraq, instead with a Kerry-style leadership, they stumble ahead now faced with four horrific acts of terrorism in less than two weeks. The French did not support us either and now terrorists hold two Frenchmen hostage and demand that French law be changed or they will be killed. Are these the foreign leaders whose "softer sides" Kerry wishes to emulate, the ones that "prefer" him to Bush? Is this the fraternity Kerry's hoping to join?
Bush has taken the fight to the terrorists, and the result has been no new attack since 9/11. His success however has bred complacency, and many Americans now believe terrorism is a New York or D.C. problem. They cannot imagine a day when they might fear the truck in the passing lane next to them, the food they eat, or the van outside their children's school. These voters are going to roll the dice and entrust their families safety to a man who thinks he can talk his way around hardened terrorists as he talks his way around every issue at home. Let's ask those Beslan families, how's that Kerry-style leadership working for you?
Words and deeds differin Republican campaign
At their spiteful convention, the Republicans repeatedly said one thing, but their policies and platform say another. While putting up moderates to talk about inclusion, they adopted a platform that seeks to write discrimination into the Constitution and make permanent tax cuts that only benefit the very wealthy.
The anger, divisiveness and intolerance of the "new" Republican Party are a disgrace to what the party once stood for. They only talked about the Iraq war -- no other issues, such as the disastrous economy, health care, poverty, jobs going overseas, which Bush supports, or improving homeland security. They have done nothing in these areas.
Religion and religious beliefs should not be a part of ANY campaign (remember separation of church and state?). Yet they blatantly capitalize and use religion in their campaign.
Look at the disastrous blunder of the Iraq attack. Upwards of 15,000 innocent Iraqis, conveniently called "collateral damage" to dehumanize them, have been murdered by Bush's policy. How do the born again Christians who support this illegal war reconcile those murders with their God?
Republican delegates prop up a B rate actor/immigrant, "the Arnold," to talk tough and ridicule patriotic Democrats as "girlie-men." Did he ever serve or do anything for any country?
Rather than talking about their record (they have none, except an illegal war), and their strengths, the Republicans turned hateful (another example of Christianity?) and negative, going after Kerry with baseless attacks on his character, and distorting his record, just as they did with John McCain and Max Cleland.
They say the economy is strong but there are more than 36 million Americans in poverty, rising 1.3 million between 2002 and 2003. There have been 2,565,000 fewer jobs created than the administration projected through the enactment of its tax cuts. Worse yet, the jobs they brag about creating pay so little that the workers still live below poverty level.
Is this the America you want? Wars, favored contracts, insider corruption, lies and distortions, or do you want the prosperity and peace of the previous eight years?