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HELOISE Reader adds suggestions to previous advice

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Dear Heloise: In a past column, one of your readers suggested that putting warranty papers, etc., in plastic bags and taping them to appliances or electronics is good, but please advise your readers of the following:
UThe make, model and serial number should be recorded in a separate place in the event of theft or severe damage.
UMany appliances and electronics have ventilation slots or holes that must not be covered.
UThe units can get very hot in certain places, such as near transformers or motors, so avoid those to prevent fire or damage from melting plastic. Michael Scott, Houston
Very good advice, and I appreciate your taking the time to write. Heloise
Dear Heloise: When putting trousers on a clothes-hanger bar, they often slip off, particularly those made with synthetic fibers. I find that when you wrap some cloth friction tape (the old-fashioned electrical tape) on the crossbar, they don't slip.
Also, when I put shirts on hangers in the closet, I face the buttons in one direction. When I have worn a shirt one time and intend to wear it again, I face the buttons in the opposite direction. This concept also works with trousers. Tom Lewis, Columbia, S.C.
Dear Heloise: An easy way to deflate a Mylar balloon when it's no longer needed is to insert a plastic soda straw into the fill port until the remainder of the helium leaks out. It costs very little to have the balloon reinflated with helium when you want to enjoy it again for some other occasion. David E. Paggen, Camarillo, Calif.
Dear Heloise: I enjoy your column and read it every day. Thanks for all the helpful hints. Here is one I'd like to pass on:
To keep vertical blinds from flapping when you open windows, draw them, then put a large rubber band around them -- no more flapping and damaging the blinds. Elaine Allen, Sebastian, Fla.
Dear Heloise: If you need an extra pair of hands to hold open a trash bag when you're raking leaves or doing cleanup work in the garden, use spring-clip clothespins to fasten it to the back of a folding lawn chair.
The aluminum frame of the chair back holds the bag open, it's lightweight and easy to move, and you have a handy place to sit when you're ready to take a break! Joyce Lock, Lerna, Ill.
Dear Heloise: Here is my timesaving hint. My clothes dryer has a large screen lint-catcher in the door. It was quite time-consuming to clean it off with my hand between each load of clothes, so I purchased a small vegetable brush. Now, I just run that over it, and it's clean in no time. Carol Thuot, Park Falls, Wis.
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
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