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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

East-West vulnerable. South deals.
u-A K Q 3
v-K Q 10 8 2
w-J 10 9 8
x-Void x-J 9 7 6 5 3 2
u-J 9 8 5 2 u-7 6 4
v-A J 7 6 4 3 v-Void
w-4 3 wK Q 5
x-A K Q 10 8 4
v-9 5
w-A 7 6 2
The bidding:
1x Pass 2v Pass
4x Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead: Four of w
It had been one winning session after another at the club for Trump Coup Tommy. Trumps were breaking badly on deal after deal, and Tommy was in his element. Gone was the cardpusher of normal deals. In his place was the virtuoso of the trump coup. Here's just one example
For Tommy, the bidding presented no problem. One of his pet theories was that a good six-card major should never appear in the dummy, so he was quick to reach four spades. Of course, switch North's hand around and six clubs could be an excellent contract, but such niceties did not bother our hero.
West did not consider a diamond lead on the auction and was averse to leading a heart on such a moth-eaten suit, which left only a club. Dummy did not faze Tommy at all. Dummy's eight of clubs was covered by the queen and won with the ace, and Tommy's whole demeanor changed when he led the ace of spades. West discarded a diamond. Gone was the bumbling declarer and the master swung into action. The play did not take long. The table's three high hearts came next, Tommy getting rid of all his red cards as East followed helplessly. Next came the king of diamonds and, since ruffing would not have helped, East parted with a low club. Tommy ruffed and exited with a club, taken by East's king.
Down to nothing but trumps, East was forced to lead one. Tommy captured the five with the eight and returned a club, ruffed perforce by East who could do nothing other than return a trump to Tommy's ten, and Tommy claimed the last three tricks with high trumps. In all, Tommy collected six spade tricks, three hearts and a club -- just enough!
XThis column is written by Tannah Hirsch and Omar Sharif. For information about Charles Goren's newsletter for bridge players, call (800) 788-1225 or write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill. 60680
& copy;2004, Tribune Media Services