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Scott Peterson verdict raises questions on abortion

Monday, November 22, 2004

Scott Peterson verdict raises questions on abortion
Nov. 12, jurors found Scott Peterson guilty of first-degree murder in the death of his wife, Laci Peterson, and guilty of second-degree murder in the death of the unborn child she carried. What does this say for the abortion debate and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act? For Scott Peterson to kill his unborn son was murder, but an abortion is not classified as murder?
Basically, the unborn baby is only considered a person if the parent or parents want to keep it. This is obviously an unacceptable way to assign life to an unborn child. How can we view an unborn child as a person (being granted the human right to not be murdered), and still allow unborn children in the same condition to be terminated through abortion?
Biologically, the unborn child residing in the mother's womb, possesses its own body, genetic code, metabolism, and is growing, developing and thriving in its natural environment, is alive.
In conclusion, Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned. In President Bush's exact words. "The Unborn Victims of Violence Act provides that, under federal law, any person who causes death or injury to a child in the womb shall be charged with a separate offense, in addition to any charges relating to the mother. & quot; Does an abortion cause death to the unborn child? Yes. This law should be enforced on all abortionists.
There's spin, and there's spin
The election is over, and George W. Bush won a second term. Before the ink was dry on the newspapers declaring him the winner, the spin had already started.
First off, the spin doctors pointed out that Bush had won the popular vote by a larger margin than any other president in history. This is true but it occurred to me that John Kerry also received more popular votes than any other former president in history. A mandate from the people? I certainly don't think so. In two years, when the deficit is still producing record numbers, while jobs are still leaving this country at a record pace, while medical costs soar, and we are still engaged in a war we cannot win in Iraq, the people who voted for John Kerry will be able to say, "I told you so."
The spin doctors say that Bush has a mandate from the people, which is pure hogwash, considering the numbers already mentioned. & quot;America has spoken & quot; is a term I've seen and heard used, but I'd like to point out that only half of America has spoken. Spin that! Mr. Bush will spend his second term trying to establish a legacy of how he will be remembered in American history.
Here's something else you can spin. There is no middle ground when it comes to liking or disliking this president. You either love George Bush or you despise him. So assuming the over 50 million people who voted against Bush in the election revile him, there are only two people in the entire world hated by more Americans than George W. Bush. They are Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. How's that for a legacy, Mr. President?
Support local businesses
With the holiday season fast approaching, I wanted to share a concern of locally owned businesses. Today local businesses need help from all of us in order to compete with the big chain stores and the Internet.
While attending college, I work part-time for YM Camera. I enjoy my job very much because I am surrounded by cameras and related equipment that tie into one of my favorite hobbies. Our customers are usually surprised when they find out that they pay the same price for a camera at our store as they will at the chain stores. In most cases, the manufacturer sets the price and determines sales (and if there are breaks and incentives, it's usually offered to specialty shops first).
My reason for writing is to urge support for all locally owned businesses by encouraging you to think twice before making your next purchase. Each sale is so important to them.
I discovered that most people prefer to support the small businessman because of the added service and personal attention they get -- but simply need reminded to go there. Local store owners are the ones who give back to our community -- supporting our schools, baseball teams, charities, churches, etc. You'll be supporting local businesses and your family.
Happy holidays.