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There's fear afoot, but it is a fear for the loss of freedom

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

There's fear afoot, but it is a fear for the loss of freedom
As this is written, it has been 10 days since the re-election of a man whom tens of millions of Americans view with contempt and fear -- a fear not of terrorists, but a very real fear for the liberties and freedoms enumerated in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A student came into my office the day after the election. He said that, even though eight Americans were killed that day in Iraq, he felt safer knowing that homosexuals couldn't marry in Ohio. I pointed out that a single stem cell is more sacred than a 10 trillion cell adult (whom former Gov. Dubya executed by the hundreds in Texas), and if he were dying from a fatal disease that might be curable with stem cell research, he should be happy to die knowing that a 10 cell blob of protoplasm will continue to live, at least for a day or so. Actually, he was joking and so was I, but the joke was really on us.
It is (almost) unbelievable that over 50 million Americans voted against their best economics interests by voting Republican and will thereby widen the gap between the rich and the poor. The middle class, to which most belonged, is rapidly disappearing. By the time our children's children have to pay off the huge national debt run up by this administration, there won't be much of a country left to save from bankruptcy. The United States will then be a third rate economic power with polluted streams, no resources, air that will not support life, and national parks with oil derricks. The bottom 95 percent will have no medical insurance, no jobs, and no future. But today, we can have a $1,500 tax reduction, and that makes it right. Well, it doesn't!
I am sick of reading in this paper that, "Election results please clergy." The clergy, the alleged guardians of morality, are hardly moral. The Bible has been used to justify slavery, abuse of women and children, murder, war and genocide. Can an entire religion be held accountable for the heinous actions of a few? Yes! It can and should since the vast majority of these religious people did nothing to stop these outrages and often supported them.
The basis of morality starts with the Golden Rule, a code of conduct that pre-dates all religions. Religious institutions, like the Catholic Church, were supported and developed by kings to control the masses by threatening eternal damnation if the people didn't obey. People were told not to think, just believe. Contrary to the opinions of people like the esteemed Revs. Witt and Tobin, stem cell research is moral, birth control is moral, giving the same rights to homosexuals as to "good Christians" is moral, reasoning and thinking instead of voting your emotions is moral.
Deputy's wife is angry
As I sit down to write this letter, I am angry and dismayed, wondering if my husband and countless others will be laid off ( not to mention lose health benefits) right before Christmas. I think to myself, why? We could have a avoided this whole mess if the commissioners would have just imposed the 0.5 percent sales tax in the first place. They just chose not to.
We can't completely blame the voters, because I believe the commissioners did not do their job by educating and explaining to the public how important the tax renewal really was. It was said on the news that we should wait and see what happens in May (about the tax). That is over 6 months from now! What are we supposed to do until then? You try making it on a deputy's salary; it's no easy task believe me. We cannot afford to do without our safety forces of any kind, period. These deputies risk their lives everyday tending to the every need of thieves, rapists, murders and child molesters. What's going to happen when a riot ensues and a deputy gets hurt or, God forbid, an inmate gets hurt or even killed. There's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
I hope the voters who didn't support the tax knew what they were doing when they made their decision. Your vote will ultimately affect you in one way, shape or form. Without these hard-working deputies, where do you think all these criminals would be? This is my children's father protecting us, and many other fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives. They are challenged everyday; underpaid and unappreciated. Wouldn't it be nice if the community and the commissioners would have their back like they have yours?