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HELOISE Keep track of paint color on wooden stirrer

Friday, May 21, 2004

Dear Heloise: I've read many suggestions in your column for labeling or marking paint cans so folks can keep track of what paint they used for which room.
Not all types of paint can be safely stored unless you have a combustibles cabinet, which few people have. Not all paint holds well enough to be reused many years later. Take a hint from a former art teacher of 28 years for a safer and more efficient method for keeping track of what paint you used where.
Paint retailers supply wooden stirrers with your paint purchase. After you have stirred the paint and finished with your painting, allow the stirrer to completely dry. Record directly on the stirrer the date you painted, brand, color and whether it was flat, semigloss, etc. Drill a hole at the top of the stirrer, and loop all your stirrers together with a ring, twist-tie or snap chain. Now you have, all in one place, a record for many rooms that takes up very little space. The stirrers also serve as & quot;chip & quot; samples should you wish to make changes to a color in value, tone or intensity. B.C. Cahill, Montville, N.J.
You piqued our interest when you mentioned a combustibles cabinet. So, we (Heloise Central) called a specialty-paint manufacturer, and here is what a company representative had to say: Latex paints that are water-based usually don't build up pressure in the can. Keep in mind, though, that specialty oil bases and lacquers tend to build pressure and, after time, could blow their tops. This is why B.C. mentioned the combustibles cabinet for storage. Remember, too, that extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can affect the color and application of paints. So, store accordingly. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Always take enough medicine equal to the number of days of travel, and bring it in the prescription bottles. If possible, take a copy of the prescription in case you need it (leave the remaining pills at home -- if the travel prescription is lost, you will have some on your return to use). Norma Cummings, Kerrville, Texas
Dear Heloise: I have discovered a great idea for candles.
My husband and I love the effect of candles and also the beauty of a fireplace. Of course, we can't light the fireplace in the summertime, so I got the bright idea of filling the fireplace with candles in the summer.
You could use one or many. It is very cozy. Marsha in Emporium, Pa.
Dear Heloise: I read the favorite kitchen hints from your staff and have some additional suggestions to offer. One hint was about setting up your coffeepot at night before going to bed. We also do that, but then we set the timer so that it goes on about 15 minutes before we get up. No waiting, and it's nice to wake up to the smell of coffee! Jean Crosby, Middletown, N.J.
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail:
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