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TRUMBULL COUNTY Official must quit 1 position

Thursday, May 20, 2004

WARREN -- Holding a seat on the Trumbull County Board of Elections conflicts with county deputy treasurer Barbara Katzenberger's day job, the Ohio Attorney General has ruled.
Katzenberger said she is still deciding which position she will keep. She said Prosecutor Dennis Watkins gave her until Monday to make up her mind.
"I really don't know," said Katzenberger, who was appointed by the Democratic party to the elections board this year. "I really enjoy both jobs." Katzenberger earns $51,948 a year as deputy treasurer. The elections position pays $14,316 a year.
The two positions come into conflict because as a member of the board of elections, Katzenberger could be required to make decisions concerning election attempts by her boss, the county treasurer, the attorney general has ruled.
Treasurer Christ Michelakis is also the head of the county Democratic party. Often, the party head serves on the elections board, but Michelakis is not eligible because he stands for election.
Katzenberger is party secretary.
Watkins requested the opinion from the attorney general's office in November, before Katzenberger was appointed to the elections board.
It would be up to him to enforce the attorney general's opinion, said Bob Beasley, a spokesman for the office.