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MARIANNE B. LORDI Put trust in God's strength

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Trusting God in everything that you go through may not be easy.
God's timing doesn't always line up with our way of doing things and it may seem that we are alone in our in our battles. Life can be tough, but God's word says that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Our prayers in difficult times unleash the limitless power of God, who is the only one who can make things right for us. Believers have access to the Throne of God to present their requests, and the God who hears you will answer you.
The still, quiet voice of the Lord is a strength to be trusted. In 1 Kings 19:11, Elijah was told to go out and stand on the mountain, for the Lord was about to pass by. After Elijah got on that high mountain, a powerful wind tore the mountain apart and shattered the rocks; and after the wind there was an earthquake and then a fire, but the Lord was not in any of these things. The Lord actually came to Elijah in a gentle whisper.
There may be times that you feel drawn by God to a position in life only to have your dreams seem to crumble. The truth in this matter is that if you want to avoid the valleys and experience just the glory of the mountaintop, you had better be ready for the high winds and earthquakes of life that can attempt to knock you down. There are many struggles we face in our lives, but if we can trust the still, quiet voice of God who never leaves us, there is nothing that will be able to defeat us or take us from the place that God has brought us.
God doesn't change
One thing we must remember is that God never changes. It was God who parted the Red Sea to help save the Israelites and he has the same power to part the river of your tears that seeks to pull you under. Put your trust in God who loved you and sent his only son to die for you. He will never have you go through your struggles and pain alone. It is his power that keeps you from defeat no matter what you are going through.
Whatever you face in this life, you will never be alone and God has promised you glory if you run the race he has set for you. It is not always easy, but the prize of being in eternity with Christ is worth it!
Ephesians 5:15-16 says & quot;Be very careful, then, how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. & quot; Be wise and take the opportunity to read your Bible each day and give to God more time in prayer. Put your trust in Christ, who has already paid the ultimate price for you.
The battle in life is not yours, for God has already made you more than a conqueror!
XMarianne B. Lordi attends Highway Tabernacle in Austintown.