New DUI penalties
A look at some of the DUI penalties for first-time offenders that go into effect Feb. 1:
For offenders in the .08 to .099 blood-alcohol content range: Six months' maximum probation; a $300 fine; highway-safety school; drug and alcohol treatment if part of sentence. No loss of license if no prior offenses.
For offenders with BAC from .10 to .159: 48 hours to six months imprisonment; a $500-$5,000 fine; 12 months license suspension; highway safety school; drug and alcohol treatment. After 60 days offenders can apply for a special work-related license, a new option.
For offenders above .16 BAC: 72 hours to six months imprisonment; $1,000-$5,000 fine; 12 months' license suspension; highway safety school; drug and alcohol treatment. Possibility of work-related license.
For repeat offenders, fines and jail time go up. Five years is the maximum prison time for repeat DUI convictions involving higher BAC levels.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving says a 170-pound male will reach a .10 BAC by having four drinks in an hour. A 140-pound woman would reach .10 after three drinks in an hour.
Source: Associated Press