Q: A dear friend gave me an expensive white silk scarf of the kind that is worn with tuxedos in Europe. What is the propriety of my wearing it here? And is it worn atop, outside or under the lapel and collar?
A: Prada, Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci have all shown silk scarves for men this season. It's quite proper attire and very chic. The traditional way to wear a scarf with formalwear is over the jacket, atop the lapels and hanging. But recently, some designers have shown them underneath the jacket and tied once, so that the loose knot is visible above the tuxedo's buttons, and the fringe peeks out below. Another modern look: wearing the scarf untied underneath the jacket. If you feel comfortable with them, try one of these options -- they're fresh and a nice twist on tradition.
Q: I'm a 5-foot-7, 130-pound man. Though I'm short, I am, more specifically, small. A few designers, such as Donna Karan and Kenneth Cole, fit well, but most seem to make small sizes simply as short versions of average sizes. Jackets that fit my chest are usually too wide at the shoulders, and pants of the right waist size taper too widely down my leg. (I've taken to avoiding pleats altogether -- they're set so wide across the hips that on me they look like the pants M.C. Hammer sported in the '80s.) Where should I shop for fashionable, modern clothing that fits me from head to toe?
A: As you've already discovered, the secret is to shop by brand or designer. For jeans, try Lucky Brand -- the slim fit should be perfect -- and Diesel, which also has great, narrow-cut shirts. For outerwear and more shirt options, check out the bigger sizes in Brooks Brothers' boys department; the store also cuts a narrow suit, though the specialists in that are the Europeans, who tend to cut smaller than American designers. Brioni is the narrowest, but Oxxford and Zegna would also work well for you.
Q: I'm a college student about to graduate and go from being an intern to a full-time employee. I have some business-casual clothes, but they're mostly from Target and Old Navy, and in junior styles. Where should I go to make an investment in some grown-up clothes?
A: Shop now, and concentrate on long-lasting basics. You can work outward from there. Banana Republic and J. Crew have lots of reasonably priced attire. For instance, BR recently had black suit jackets on sale for $99 and colorful, button-down work shirts or lined black wool pants for about $50. These will be with you forever, and the jacket is perfect with jeans on more casual days or to wear out at night. At J. Crew, take a look at the lambswool V-neck sweaters ($48), nice over a collared shirt or concealing a tank top. If you get the yen for a trendy accent -- a ruched shirt, for example, that looks great now but will age quickly -- get it from less expensive stores, such as Charlotte Russe and H & amp;M. And invest in some grown-up shoes, too (think sexy, not clunky). Nine West and Kenneth Cole are good places to try.
Washington Post