The following facts come from "The Performance Report for Ohio's Colleges and Universities," released Thursday by the Ohio Board of Regents.
YSU had a total enrollment of 12,739 in fall 2002, 2 percent higher than the 1998 figure (compared with the 3 percent increase at main university campuses statewide). Of that amount, 52 are doctoral students, 1,313 are in master's level or professional programs, and 11,374 are undergraduates.
Of 2002 undergraduates, 58 percent were first-generation students, meaning that their parents did not graduate from college (compared with 43 percent at main university campuses statewide); 58 percent came from families with incomes of less that $50,000 (compared with 42 percent); 43 percent were entering the university without having had a college preparatory curriculum in high school (compared with 30 percent).
At YSU, 51 percent of first-year students in 2001-2002 were enrolled in remedial math or English courses, compared with 23 percent at main campuses across the state; 19 percent were enrolled in both, compared with 7 percent.
Of the 2002 first time, first-year undergraduates at YSU, 68 percent returned for a second year and 5 percent transferred. The average grade point average was 2.8, and 79 percent of credits were successfully completed. Across state main campuses, 74 percent returned, 8 percent transferred, 87 percent of credits were successfully completed and the average GPA was 2.9.
At YSU in 2001, the average lecture class size was 30 students (compared with 33 at other public universities statewide), with 14 percent in lectures of 19 or fewer students and 26 percent in lectures of 50 students or more.
At YSU, 49 percent of first-year student credit hours were taught by full-time ranked faculty, as opposed to part-time instructors or graduate students, in 2001, compared with 61 percent in 1998. Across the state in main campuses, 51 percent were taught by full-time faculty in 2001, compared with 49 percent in 1998.
The median time it took a YSU student to earn an associate degree was 4.7 years in 2001-02, compared with 4 years at main campuses across the state; the median time it took a YSU student to earn a bachelor's degree was also 4.7 years at YSU, compared with 4.5 percent at main campuses statewide.
At YSU, 38 percent of undergraduates who started in 1996 earned their degrees within six years, compared with 37 percent at Ohio universities with admissions policies termed "less selective," and 55 percent at universities statewide.
At YSU, 80 percent of education majors taking the Praxis II teacher licensing exam in the 2002 school year passed the exam, ranking the university 12th among 13 state-supported universities.
Ninety-four percent of YSU students passed the registered nursing exam in 2002, above the state average of 90 percent. YSU's passage rate for the emergency medical technician-paramedic state exam was 94 percent from 2001 to 2003, compared with the statewide passage rate of 73 percent. YSU scores on the EMT exams were the highest in the state.