YOUNGSTOWN International Institute Foundation takes applications
YOUNGSTOWN -- The International Institute Foundation is accepting applications for 2004 projects.
Foundation guidelines require that applicants have a project to promote the needs of, interest and understanding of the foreign born or should preserve and encourage development of the values and cultures of local ethnic communities through education, social service and arts programs.
Applicants must be nonprofit organizations in the Youngstown area, meet specific guidelines and submit a budget to qualify for consideration. Most grants are for partial funding only.
Written requests for application forms should be sent to the International Institute Foundation, c/o National City Bank, Trust Department, 20 Federal Plaza, Youngstown, 44503. The deadline for completed applications is Feb. 25. Distributions will be made by the end of March.
The institute foundation was formed in 1985 after the International Institute, a former United Way agency, closed after 65 years of service to the community.