Religion columns
The Vindicator is seeking columns from area religious leaders or people of faith.
Topics may range from topical issues to personal reflections on spirituality. Writers should first contact Religion Editor D.A. Wilkinson at (330) 747-1471, Ext. 1245, to discuss their topic and scheduling.
Columns should be about 500 words long. That's about one standard page of single-space typing or two standard pages of double-spaced typing. Columns can be slightly longer or shorter.
Arrangements will be made to run a head-and-shoulders photograph of the writer.
Columns may be submitted by e-mail to religion@vindy.com., by fax at (330) 747-6712, by mail to The Vindicator, Religion Desk, P.O. Box 780, Youngstown, Ohio 44501-0780; or dropped off at the front counter at 107 Vindicator Square, Youngstown, Ohio.