Students to cut hair to send to Wigs for Kids
Students to cut hairto send to Wigs for Kids
CHAMPION -- Senior cosmetology students at Trumbull Career and Technical Center will give haircuts to people who want to donate their hair to Wigs for Kids.
Wigs for Kids is a nonprofit charity that provides wigs at no cost to children who have lost their hair because of medical treatments or hereditary conditions.
The event runs from 8:30-10:30 a.m. and from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday at the school.
Women, children and men whose hair is at least 12 inches long are qualified to donate. Participants won't be charged for haircuts, but volunteers are asked to donate $1 to offset the charity's other expenses.
Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are preferred.
Call Rosalyn Gault at (330) 847-0503.