SPEECH WINNERS \ Warren JFK tournament
Results from the Warren John F. Kennedy High School Speech and Debate Tournament held Jan. 17 at the school:
Howland: 114 points.
Niles McKinley: 109.
Poland: 92.
Ursuline: 87.
Warren JFK: 63.
Lisbon: 48.
Original Oratory: Bryan Stefak, Poland, first; Colista Conzett, Poland, second; Jim Schmalzried, Ursuline, third; Patrick Hewitt, Warren JFK, fourth; Lindsay Willett, Columbiana, fifth; Elizabeth Franko, Niles McKinley, sixth.
Humorous Interpretation: Quentin Duda, Ursuline, first; Seth Coulter, Ursuline, second; Devon Watson, Howland, third; Kyle Snyder, Lisbon, fourth; Kristyn Spetsios, Howland, fifth; Cassie Averell, Howland, sixth.
Domestic Extemporaneous: Abbey Sloban, Niles McKinley, first; Kellie Harclerode, Niles McKinley, second; Steve Evinsky, Niles McKinley, third; Tim Kemble, Howland, fourth; Molly Barns, Poland, fifth; Zach Wilson, Howland, sixth.
Oratorical Interpretation: Ryan Wonnocott, Howland, first; Vickey McBride, Ursuline, second; Marzi Heinselman, Niles McKinley, third; Ciara Feltham, Niles McKinley, fourth; Allyson Holsinger, Poland, fifth; Robert Spillman, Howland, sixth.
Dramatic Interpretation: Coleen Casey, Howland, first; Cassandra George, Howland, second; Lorraine Baer, Howland, third; Darien Brucoli, Howland, fourth; Lauren Perica, Poland, fifth; Sarah Kocher, Liberty, sixth.
Foreign Extemporaneous: Brandon Greenwood, Howland, first; Stephanie Evinsky, Niles McKinley, second; Keith Sikora, Poland, third; Chris O'Meara, Niles McKinley, fourth; Kevin Duncan, Poland, fifth; Paul Rogers, Poland, sixth.
Prose & amp; Poetry: Blaine McElroy, Poland, first; Kerri Shelton, Liberty, second; Amanda McAllen, Ursuline, third; Nicole Humphrey, Howland, fourth; Sarah Rolfe, Warren JFK, fifth; Andy Doyle, Lisbon, sixth.
Impromptu: Anu Tuli, Howland, first; Shalyn Pavolillo, Niles McKinley, second; Zack Germaniuk, Warren JFK, third; Stacy Shive, Lisbon, fourth; Lauren Aubel, Niles McKinley, fifth; Srene Shahabi, Howland, sixth.
Duet Acting: Elisabeth Evans and Brett Miller, Niles McKinley, first; Lauren Miller and Courtney Walker, Howland, second; Pat Dobson and Mary Ellen Ditchey, Howland, third; David Keifer and Shane McGee, Niles McKinley, fourth; Jessee McGoughey and Catey Sacui, Poland, fifth; Jackie Hall and Phil Fry, Hubbard, sixth.
Duo Interpretation: Lloyd Graham and Jennifer Cumberworth, Howland, first; Kelly Ciminero and Emma Elliot, Niles McKinley, second; Brooke Barnhart and Laura Schaefer, Niles McKinley, third; Maggie Craig and Jim McGuire, Ursuline, fourth; Mike Bassett and Jeremy Mollis, Niles McKinley, fifth; Jared Seefried and Lauren Melizia, Poland, sixth.
Lincoln-Douglas debate: Kelly Clontz, Niles McKinley, first; Jason Lah, Warren JFK, second; Erin Toolis, Lisbon, third; Emily Duda, Ursuline, fourth; Crystal Kenmuir, Lisbon, fifth; Kristin Bradley, Lisbon, sixth.
Controversy: Ben Clayman and Thomas Hatzilabrou, Liberty, first; Catherine Tomko and Dane Davis, Ursuline, second; Amanda Poling and John Guffey, Howland, third; Emily Gerber and Jessi Rose, Lisbon, fourth; Emily Lui and Kayla Yurco, Howland, fifth; Zack Coulter and Mike Sanders, Ursuline, sixth.