HELOISE Driving motor home is no picnic

Dear Heloise: While we try our best to drive around large cities in our RV during the off hours, it just seems that there are no off hours anymore. We have a problem with cars behind us allowing us to change lanes.
Sometimes the lane will change suddenly with no notice, and my husband will have the directional on, but no one will hold back to allow him in.
Many people in cars have no idea how difficult it is to change lanes when you are driving a 30-plus-foot recreational vehicle with a car towing behind it.
My husband is a very good driver, but those in cars should try to remember that most of these motor homes are driven by older people who are traveling in strange cities. Please hang back and give us a break. It only takes a minute to let the other guy proceed.
We traveled around last fall, and I have never witnessed such rude, inconsiderate people. We missed turnoffs several times because someone just wouldn't let us in front of him or her! Happy Wanderers, No State
One of my assistants' husbands has been a truck driver for many years, and he comments about other vehicles not being considerate of the truck's larger size. So hopefully, after reading this, readers will give motor homes and semi trucks the benefit of space to make lane changes, etc. Heloise
P.S. The few seconds it takes to let someone (auto, truck or RV) change lanes is not going to make much difference in getting to your destination.
Dear Readers: What item in your pantry can be used to clean aluminum pots that have darkened on the inside?
UCream of tartar
The answer is cream of tartar. If you have an aluminum pot that has turned black, fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Add a couple of tablespoons of cream of tartar. As the water and the cream of tartar boil, you will see the black color disappear. This will take about 10 minutes or so to work, then rinse it well and dry. Heloise
Dear Heloise: We keep two magnetized dry-erase boards on the refrigerator.
On one, we list the items needed on the next trip to the store. On the other, we list the leftovers and the date each was cooked, such as "baked chicken (1 piece), 12/30."
I can tell at a glance what is available for a quick lunch, and there are fewer throwaways.
It eases frustration in wondering what is in those plastic containers, and it saves us money because of less waste. Jean Cromer Gouveia, Fayetteville, N.C.
Sound off: My pet peeve is going into a public restroom and finding urine all over the seat and/or the toilet not flushed.
I work for a retail store, and that is disgusting! Do ladies do this in their own homes? It only takes a minute to wipe off the seat and flush the toilet.
Please be thoughtful of the next person. A reader, via e-mail
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate