HELOISE Color of throw rugs bled onto new carpet
Dear Heloise: I recently had new carpet put in my bedroom and then purchased bright-colored rugs. Little did I know that it would be a huge mistake. I went to vacuum, and when I picked up the rugs, the color had bled onto my new carpet. Is there any hope of getting the stains out, or is this something that I should chalk up to "live and learn"? Thanks for any help you can give me. Sherri Sanders, Lewisville, Texas
The first thing to find out is, why did the color bleed? Did the color bleed onto the carpet from each individual rug? Was something spilled on the rug and then the color bled through?
Call the manufacturer of the rugs to see what someone there might suggest. I don't think that the color should have run under normal conditions. Have you called a carpet cleaner in your area to see if someone can remove the stain?
If the stain remains permanent, you might be able to call your homeowners-insurance company to see if you can file a claim to have the carpet replaced. Heloise
Dear Heloise: Do you want to find something that gets spots and soap buildup off of your sink and faucets without a lot of trouble and expense?
Get a bottle of isopropyl alcohol. I use a piece of cloth with the alcohol and wipe around the sink and faucet -- you might have to do it a few times if it's really bad. Then rinse off with clear water and dry. It will shine like new. Dee R., Mesa Ariz.
Dear Heloise: When packing for a trip, pack all of your cosmetics, bath necessities, toothbrush, fragrances, medicines, etc., at least one day ahead of leaving. Then use all of these items from those you pre-packed, just as though you were already away from home. That way, you will know whether or not you have forgotten any needed or wanted item for your trip. This has worked well for me, and I am less likely to arrive without a needed item. Mary Martin, Middletown
Dear Friends: Here is a flashback hint originally printed in my mother's column on July 15, 1962. It's still a good hint today:
"After I wallpaper a room, I write on a wall (behind a picture) the amount of wallpaper and border it took to do the job and also the date. Next time the room needs papering ... I know exactly how much to purchase." A Reader
Dear Heloise: Be careful when you use bug sprays in your house. I bought one, then sprayed it on some carpeting, and it discolored the carpeting. You might also want to ask your "bug man" about the spray he uses to be sure it won't damage your carpeting. Doris from Pennsylvania
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail: Heloise@Heloise.com.
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