GIRARD City workers reject contract

The union's next move is the fact-finding process.
GIRARD -- The labor union representing city employees other than the safety forces has rejected a new contract by a wide margin.
Members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 3356 voted 22-1 Thursday to reject the city's offer.
Marvin Sweitzer, local president, said today that the city offered a wage freeze, institution of copayments for heath benefits and a reduction in clothing allowance.
Sweitzer said the city also wants to eliminate enhanced bonus payments for workers who increase their skills through educational programs.
The next move is for Local 3356 to take the contract through the fact-finding process.
Mayor James J. Melfi said he was disappointed AFSCME rejected the city's offer, which he characterized as fair.
He said Local 3356 members had an opportunity to avoid layoffs of their members and maintain city services.
Meanwhile, Capt. Frank Bigowsky said the police department's four captains are taking their contract to fact-finding.
The captains are represented by the Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association. Bigowsky said the captains' priority is to preserve the benefits they have.
The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 52 has reached a three-year agreement with the city that freezes wages for the life of the contract and calls for copayments for medical costs.
There is a reopening clause to renegotiate wages should the city emerge from state-imposed fiscal emergency.
The FOP represents 10 patrol officers and three dispatchers.
A member of the International Association of Firefighters Local 1120 said he doesn't know the status of negotiations for a new pact since the old one expired Dec. 31. Melfi said that he has asked the union about the status but that he couldn't get an answer.