'The Trouble With Islam'
"Through our screaming self-pity and our conspicuous silences, we Muslims are conspiring against ourselves. We're in crisis, and we're dragging the rest of the world with us."
"Will we move past the superstition that we can't question the Koran? By openly asking where its verses come from, why they're contradictory, and how they can be differently interpreted, we're not violating anything more than tribal totalitarianism."
"Had I grown up in a Muslim country, I'd probably be an atheist in my heart. It's because I live in this corner of the world, where I can think, dispute, and delve further into any topic, that I've learned why I shouldn't give up on Islam just yet."
"What must be stripped from Islam is its desert strain of tribalism, which takes the act of closing ranks to a crushing level."