Equipment is damaged
Equipment is damaged
SALEM -- Someone used a drill to flatten three tires on a piece of construction equipment parked along Bentley Drive near Continental Drive, police said. Damage to the front-end loader, owned by Kirila Construction of Brookfield, was set at about $2,700. The crime, reported at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, appears to have been a random act of vandalism, said police Lt. Don Beeson. The loader is being used as part of a $1.3 million project that includes extending Bentley east to Continental.
Guns stolen in break-in
SHARON, Pa. -- Guns were the target of a burglar in the 400 block of Grant Street. Police said the thief entered through an unlocked first-floor window between 3:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tuesday. A locked gun case was forced open and five firearms were stolen. They include a Ruger Redhawk revolver with a Leopold scope, an H & amp;R .22-caliber rifle, a .17-caliber Hornet Savage Arms rifle with a 6X24 Leopold scope, an 8 mm Mauser rifle with a 6X Leopold scope and a Remington Model 1187 12-gauge shotgun.
Litter patrol volunteers
NEW PHILADELPHIA -- The Ohio Department of Transportation District 11 is seeking volunteers and seasonal workers to help curb litter in east central Ohio. Myron Pakush, District 11 deputy director, said volunteers are needed for ODOT's Adopt-a-Highway program. Volunteers commit to picking up litter along a designated half-mile stretch of highway at least four times per year. ODOT officials are accepting applications for seasonal workers who would be called to help pick up litter on an as-needed basis. For more information on seasonal employment or the Adopt-a-Highway program in ODOT District 11, call the nearest ODOT facility.
Mangino endorsements
NEW CASTLE, Pa. -- Three Beaver County legislators have endorsed the candidacy of Lawrence County District Attorney Matthew Mangino for the office of Pennsylvania attorney general. Mangino said his endorsements by state Sen. Gerald LaValle of Rochester, D-47th, state Rep. Vince Biancucci of Monaca, D-15th, and state Rep. Susan Laughlin of Ambridge, D-16th, are significant because Beaver County is a key community in western Pennsylvania.
Nuclear plant downfall
SAXTON, Pa. (AP) -- A crane lifted a 35-ton green dome, part of Saxton's landscape for 40 years, to the ground Wednesday as part of long-standing plans to decommission one of the nation's first nuclear power plants. The Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corp.'s 23-megawatt power plant in Liberty Township, Bedford County, about 90 miles east of Pittsburgh, once housed a 60-ton reactor and produced power for 500 homes. The nuclear plant was started under former president Dwight Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program and was a training ground for workers at Three Mile Island and Oyster Creek, N.J. The plant, which was said to have been built for less than $10 million in the 1950s, has cost First Energy Operating Co. more than $70 million to decommission and clean the site. Its spent nuclear fuel was shipped to Savannah, Ga., in 1974, two years after the plant was closed. The reactor was shipped out of the plant in 1999.
Woman's death probed
WELLSVILLE -- The Columbiana County coroner's office is investigating the death of a Washington Street woman. Wellsville Fire Chief Bill Smith said police and firefighters found Lisa Rudibaugh, 42, dead in the bedroom of the one-story home. Smith said Rudibaugh's husband, Larry, walked about 3 1/2 blocks to the fire department about 10 a.m. Wednesday and said he couldn't wake his wife. Police Chief Joe Scarabino said the couple had no telephone. Firefighters sent police and an ambulance to the home. Smith said police smelled what appeared to be a natural gas odor as soon as they entered the home, so they called firefighters to the scene.