Sunday, January 25, 2004
XCAMPBELL -- Announced by Mary Sferra, 679 Moore Ave., is the engagement of her son, Michael Sferra, and Tracy Anderson, both of 3450 N. Southport Ave., Chicago.
Miss Anderson, a daughter of Margaret Anderson, 34514 Michelle Drive, Rehoboth Beach, Del., and the late Robert Anderson, graduated from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor's degree and earned a master's at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. She is the director of trauma research and education with Illinois Bone and Joint Institute in Chicago.
Mr. Sferra, also a son of the late Joseph Sferra, is a sales and marketing executive in Chicago. He earned a bachelor's degree at Denison University in Granville.
The couple will extend invitations for their June 19 wedding to be held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and for their reception afterward at Sofitel Water Tower, both in Chicago.