Saturday, January 24, 2004
YOUNGSTOWN -- The Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority will accept applications for its Section 8 waiting list between Monday and Feb. 8.
Application forms will be available at the YMHA's main office at 131. W. Boardman St., at all of its management offices and at the following agencies: Department of Jobs and Family Services, Employment Services Bureau of Youngstown, Mahoning County Children Services Board, the Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County, Catholic Charities-Diocese of Youngstown, Youngstown Area Urban League, Organizacion Civica y Cultural Hispana Americana, Jewish Community Center, Youngstown Area Community Action Council, Head Start and the Women, Infants and Children office.
Applications must be mailed and postmarked no later than midnight Feb. 8. No applications will be taken at YMHA's central office. Only one application per family will be accepted.
A lottery drawing among the applicants will be held Feb. 27 to select the 1,200 who will be put on the list. The drawing is closed to the public. Applicants who are selected will be notified by mail.
The YMHA administers the Section 8 voucher program for low-income families in Mahoning County. The program helps families rent privately owned homes and apartments. The housing authority pays a portion of the rent to the landlord, and the participant must pay the remaining amount, which is based on income. Section 8 housing is inspected for health and safety.
Call YMHA at (330) 744-2161, Ext. 217, for more information.