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Jackson-Milton needs public to support renewal of levy

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Jackson-Milton needs publicto support renewal of levy
Many school districts across Ohio wrestle with the challenges of financing education. Districts like Jackson-Milton are in a little different situation because based on our property valuation, the state considers us a wealthy district and determines its allocation of funding accordingly. Until the state's school funding system is reformed, school districts must depend on local community support.
Here's one way taxpayers can help: Gov. Bob Taft recently appointed a Blue Ribbon Task Force on Financing Student Success. This committee is charged with making recommendations on reforming the state's school funding system. He is interested in hearing from Ohioans with our suggestions on "a better way to fund schools -- a way that provides predictable funding, is affordable, spends money effectively, and supports student achievement." Call the governor's office at (614) 466-3555 or e-mail the task force through a link at the governor's Web site with your suggestion today. Ohio's school funding system has been a major issue of concern for 12 years, yet our legislators and courts have failed to find a solution. Unfortunately, I believe that changes will not come soon enough to help Jackson-Milton.
Here's another way voters in the Jackson-Milton School district can help: Educate yourself about our emergency renewal levy that will be on the ballot March 2. Explain to your family and friends that the renewal will ensure that our district receives the same amount of money promised five years ago by our taxpayers. The money from this levy funds day-to-day operating expenses of the district. This levy is a RENEWAL and will NOT cost property owners any additional money. Please note that the term "emergency" refers only to the type of levy and does not mean the district is in a financial emergency.
Currently, Jackson-Milton school district has a positive cash balance because local tax dollars are carefully managed. Students' proficiency scores are at an all-time high, a successful middle school environment has been created, and students continue to excel in our co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Please continue to support the students at Jackson-Milton; vote YES March 2.
Lake Milton
Attention, Liberty voters:Kids' future depends on us
As a property owner in the Liberty school district for the past 29 years, I feel the need to express my concern toward the upcoming emergency school levy on the ballot at the March 2 election. It is absolutely necessary that we all rally together in support of our schools.
In a recent article, the state superintendent of schools, Dr. Susan Tave Zelman, stated, "Local taxpayers have to support the school districts because the state doesn't have the extra money to increase funds for Ohio schools."
The facts are clear, and we must take control of the future of our schools now or else the state will do it for us. As responsible citizens in our community, we cannot let the state determine our future.
Let us not give up on the fight now. Now only do we owe it to ourselves and to the viability of our community but most importantly to the children whose education and future are at risk. Please, I urge every citizen to vote for the emergency school levy in Liberty on March 2.
Back Mahoning tax renewal
As a resident of Mahoning County, it is clear to me that voting for the renewal of the half-percent sales tax renewal will be the most important choice I will make on Election Day.
Keep in mind that this is a tax that is not exclusive to the residents of Mahoning County. It is shared by everyone who spends money in Mahoning County, whether they reside here or not. However, the ramifications of the tax's failing will be exclusive to the residents. Let's continue to move forward. We can not afford to fall behind.