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YSU | Progress and plans

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The development of new master's degrees in computer information sciences, science education and social work; a new bachelor's degree program in forensic science; a new associate's degree program in power plant technology; and a new Early College High School that will bring Youngstown high school students to a school on campus beginning this fall.
A continued focus on undergraduate research, as well as a civic engagement initiative that would make student community service activities a more pervasive part of curriculum.
A $19 million, three-year, campuswide technology master plan that would create wireless networks, increase multimedia classrooms, improve computer lab accessibility and classroom technology and enhance student advisement and financial aid administrative systems.
A centennial capital campaign that will focus on raising funds for student scholarships, endowed faculty positions, campus development and technology.
A campus master plan that will focus on new facilities, including instructional laboratories and a new building for the Williamson School of Business, as well as on campus gateways, parking and corridors.
An enrollment management plan focused on enrollment growth, expanding scholarship and financial aid programs and adding new policies to assist at-risk and adult students.