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Orb tracks the Dow, but it will do so much more

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Devices can be used to track energy use or eBay auctions.
It looks like a size-XXXL chicken egg and glows in colors that change and waver in intensity as it tracks qualitative shifts in financial data from the Internet.
But the white plastic Orb was designed to be far more than a barometer of the Dow Jones Industrial average, its programmed out-of-the-box function.
Adherents see the glowing $150 device as pioneering a movement where data generated by computers will be increasingly expressed not on video displays but in objects that fit more naturally into our lives.
Ambient Devices of Cambridge, Mass. began selling the Orb a year ago. If the Dow average is up for the day, it glows green. On a down day, the Orb reddens. The colors' intensity reflects the extent of the swing; yellow means the market is stable.
Provided with that basic information, an Orb owner can decide whether to go online for more detail.
Many tasks
Ambient users have programmed Orbs for a remarkable array of tasks: tracking job openings in Atlanta, measuring the flow of visitors to a Boston-based interactive design agency's Web site, gauging energy use in a New York City apartment, tracking eBay auctions, notifying someone when a particular person is online or a certain number of e-mails have filled their inbox.
"When you think about the magic of the Orb, it's a thermometer for the rest of your life," said author Seth Godin, who writes on business and social trends. Godin hopes to program his Orb to track sales of his books on to save time and "increase my peace of mind."
The Orb's power lies in how it can reflect the ease with which humans process basic visual information.
"It's based on our brain's natural ability to process many streams of information in parallel," said David Rose, the president of Ambient Devices, which says it has sold about 20,000 to date.
Rose envisions Orbs and related products being scattered throughout people's offices, homes and cars, "dedicated to information they care about."
The idea behind Orb came out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, where "Tangible Bits" research led by Professor Hiroshi Ishii aims to replace computers' graphical user interface with tangible representations of the data they produce -- giving physical form to information.
Ambient Devices delivers information to its products through a nationwide wireless network that the company says reaches more than 90 percent of the U.S. population. Users can register and customize the information their Orbs reflect via the Internet.
Picture this
Spinoffs in development include interactive, color-changing picture frames that let people inform loved ones far away when they are "thinking about them." Each frame has a "proximity monitor" that lets users know how close the person at the other end is.
Other inventions include an Ambient-equipped watch, on which prescription-related icons light up at doctor-recommended medication times. An Ambient keychain fob shifts colors based on user-specified traffic information (congestion, accidents, etc.) requested by the user, and the Ambient Pinwheel spins to show users that "they've got e-mail."
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