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Is the global economy really all that bad for U.S.?

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Is the global economyreally all that bad for U.S.?
Let me see if I understand the situation. I am supposed to be upset because of all the jobs that are in foreign countries. The work that Bechtel, Halliburton, Exxon, etc., do in foreign countries is bad. Thus the work should be done by their engineers and managers.
Logically, I should be equally upset about the foreign companies that have business here in the USA. The car company near Columbus should take those jobs back to Japan. The drug company should take the jobs away from Pittsburgh and back to Germany. The banking company should take its jobs back to Canada.
Why should we stop the global economy only when it appears to bother us and accept the benefits when it helps us? How can we expect to retreat from the global economy but yet be global in our political considerations?
Don't get me wrong. I was a member of the Service Employees International Union, one of the most liberal unions in the United States. Yet, I do understand that the global economy is not that bad for us.
Why send money to Iraqwhen U.S. is in bad shape?
I just figured out why this country will never elect a woman president. A woman would not under any circumstances send our young over to countries who hate us. I mean hate with a vengeance. I can count on my right hand the countries that like us. All the lives lost, and for what? For people who don't care about themselves or any human life.
Iraq is evil, and the only way to get rid of evil is to blow up the whole country. Those who are decent would be given a time to leave and the rest, well, good-bye. Kaboom!!
As for this country? If I see one more ad for Bush and Kerry and hear that guy from Boston who says that we have a funny accent, too, I'll just scream. For whom are these ads supposed to be? They approve of those ads. Goody.
Now show me in black and white what you, Mr. Bush, have actually done for this country.
Show me in black and white, Mr. Kerry, what you have done in the past. Who are you, really?
This country is in such miserable shape and we have money to send to Iraq? Where is that coming from? I don't know about you, but when I need to buy something, I check my wallet. If the money isn't there, guess what? I can't buy anything. I can ask a family member who will quiz me as to how necessary is the purchase.
Why are we so free with money as if it is just coming from thin air? I'd like to know who authorizes this whole mess that Mr. Bush (thank you very much) has gotten us into.
Why are companies willing to pay the CEOs, and why are people who bilk companies willing to send our jobs overseas for this free trade bull when we have people here who are losing jobs every day?
If you care about the American people, you would honestly use all your brain power to try and save jobs for us here in the USA. A new concept, how about it? Put your greedy selves aside and really work for the country that made you wealthy. If you're with a company founded by your grandfather or father, then you did nothing to "earn" your place from the bottom up. But you owe it to their honor to keep the company solvent. How hard is that to understand?
Bertram de Souza's topicof YSU surprises readers
What a switch! You got to love it! In Sunday's newspaper, columnist Bertram de Souza focuses his comments and criticisms on Youngstown State University instead of James Traficant.
Wow! Who will be the next one for him to criticize?
Happy belated Easter, Mr. de Souza!
New Springfield