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Agency raises funds by collecting phones

Friday, April 2, 2004

WARREN -- Someplace Safe Inc., Trumbull County's domestic violence agency, has an ongoing cell phone collection fund-raising program with the Shelter Alliance in Miramar, Fla.
Cell phones are collected at various locations throughout the county, and depending on the number of phones and their condition, Someplace Safe receives money.
The phones will be used to help victims call in emergencies.
A new cell phone collection program will take place now through June 1. Phones can be dropped off at National City Bank branches on West Liberty Street, Hubbard; Main Street, Niles; Youngstown-Warren Road, Niles; East Market Street, Warren; Parkman Road N.W., Warren; and Churchill Road, Liberty.
Phones also can be dropped off at the Burger King on Main Street in downtown Warren and The Review newspaper offices on West Liberty Street, Hubbard, and West Park Avenue, Niles.
Cases and chargers for the cell phones cannot be donated.
For more information, call Danette Palmer at (330) 393-3003.