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HELOISE Comments on mall walkers are passed along

Monday, September 29, 2003

Dear Readers: In a recent column, there was a comment about mall walkers walking on the wrong side. We have since gotten some comments from other readers and wanted to pass them along:
UK.S. in Prior Lake, Minn., says: "You certainly have struck a nerve with this subject. I am not a mall walker, but it certainly is very irritating that most people who frequent shopping malls refuse to adhere to the same standards followed everywhere else when walking on sidewalks, when driving, etc. It is the main reason I can't stand to go to the mall. I feel it is extremely rude to take up the entire mall walkway with your group, thoughtlessly blocking all the other shoppers' paths."
UBetty Fields in Terre Haute, Ind., says: "Our mall has a great staff who are very friendly, accommodating, caring and concerned. Several years ago, they began a mall-walkers club to promote and encourage us to walk indoors in the comfort and convenience of the mall. According to our staff's office secretary, there have not been any complaints about mall walkers being in the way of shoppers."
USusanne in Omaha, Neb., says: "Are these people walking and stopping in the paths of other shoppers, too, or just the walkers? Some shoppers walk faster than others and don't stop at every window. In addition, I would be willing to bet those mall walkers spend their share of dollars at that mall, too!"
UGary Smith in Rochester, N.Y., says: "I was brought up to keep to the right as I am walking; therefore, people coming toward me and I could pass without running into or inconveniencing each other. When I am entering a store or business through a double door and people are coming out of the building, I'll open the door on the right to go in and end up standing there while people coming out use my open door to exit instead of their own door on their right. If I enter through my right-hand door and they exit through their right-hand door, we can both continue moving."
Thanks to all those who took the time to drop us a line on the mall- walking subject. Heloise
Fast facts: What to do with all those shower caps you collect at hotels? You can use them instead of plastic wrap or foil to cover food -- and it's so much easier.
Also, you can wrap your shoes in them when packing for a trip. Missy Rubin, Alexandria, Va.
Dear Heloise: A recent column had a hint from a man on how to find the remote by adding ribbon to it. And that's a hint from a man! I think women who are married just have to look for their husband, and he will have the remote in hand! Joy in St. Anthony, Minn.
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate