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Keep using and building on many of the Valley's assets

Thursday, October 30, 2003

Keep using and building onmany of the Valley's assets
Last Saturday was a glorious day in the city! The autumn weather was cool and brisk, but the sun was shining bright. My morning jog at Wick Park was accompanied by the sounds of the Midwest Regional High School Band Competition at Stambaugh Stadium that brought more than 30 bands from several states to our city for a 12-hour extravaganza.
In addition, downtown's Anthony's-on-the-River and B & amp;O Station Restaurant were both busy before the Youngstown Symphony's gala opening concert at Powers Auditorium. The symphony's auditorium was full, and the music was lively and entertaining.
After the concert, my friends from Canton and I stopped at the MVR and then to Chrystal's Restaurant for some great live music and a snack.
Heading back to the South Side on Wick Avenue, the museums, library, the churches and the new apartments in Smoky Hollow were gleaming in the brightness of their night spotlights.
It's all here. We just need to continue building it up!
This community has a lot to be grateful for and a lot to look forward to.
St. Patrick Church
It's time we all did moreto stop the abuse of children
Child abuse is a very real and pronounced part of today's society. Every day we hear of people charged with child abuse, and every day we hear about child abuse cases, some ending in death. In the year 2001, an estimated three children a day died as a result of child abuse and neglect. Most of these children were younger than 6. Abuse reports of the same year totaled more than 2.67 million. The actual amount of child abuse cases is thought to be three times that much.
In my opinion child abuse is one of the most horrendous crimes that can be committed. When you hear about things on the news that involve child abuse, it does not really faze you. On the other hand, when it happens to someone you know, you care tremendously. Better efforts must be put forth to prevent child abuse from repeatedly happening. Do not continue to let this crime plague our nation.
Struthers High School
Grade 9
Global warming cartoon left this reader cold
The cartoon by Dick Wright of the Tribune Media Services published Sunday, Oct. 19, was rather silly and very wide of the mark. The blunt truth is that none of the quite vocal groups that use the seasons when it is hotter than normal to promote the view that global warming exists, or seasons like the past summer when it is cooler than normal to "prove" that it doesn't exist, are anywhere near correct. In fact, they appear to me to be two sides of the same counterfeit coin.
Those who are actually scientifically studying climactic trends are using methods that cover very long periods of time. They use methods such as Wilcoxon Matched-Pair Signed-Ranks to track trends over wide areas. The above named method can track trends along lines through the northern cities of Canada, and the central and southern cities of the U.S. These carefully planned and peer reviewed methods have clearly documented an upward trend. The wide variations of the past decade or two prove nothing one way or the other. Their only function is to supply statistical data for the serious studies.