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NEW CASTLE Fix-up day planned at house for needy

Saturday, October 25, 2003

One hundred smoke detectors will be installed in neighborhood homes.
NEW CASTLE, Pa. -- Make A Difference Day -- the nation's largest day of service -- will be marked Saturday with a major project here benefiting underprivileged youths and their families.
Volunteers will remodel the second floor of Slippery Rock University's I Care House, which provides tutoring to low-income children, lunches for senior citizens and services for dozens of other community revitalization programs.
Event organizers say this Make A Difference Day project is special because it builds on a partnership between Slippery Rock University, Lowe's home improvement centers, small businesses, New Castle High School and the city.
The I Care House is the only ongoing university project of its kind in Pennsylvania, said SRU's Alice Kaiser-Drobney, I Care House director.
Lowe's will donate materials and labor for the home improvements.
In keeping with its corporate goal of increasing home fire safety, Lowe's employees and SRU students also will install 100 smoke detectors in homes on the city's east side.
What's planned
Lowe's invites volunteers of all skill levels to join the project between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Activities include music by ROCK 107 FM, a visit from a fire safety truck, food and giveaways.
The I Care House programs started in September providing space for tutoring and after-school clubs for children. Other activities include senior citizen lunches, a toddler's play group, drill team practices and classes for adults and children.
The facility operates through SRU's Institute for Community, Service Learning and Nonprofit Leadership.
New Castle has promised Community Block Grant Development money for the upcoming purchase of the house by the Slippery Rock University Foundation. Lawrence County provided land for the nearby I Care Community Garden.