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KATHY MITCHELL AND MARCY SUGAR | Annie's Mailbox 'Andy's' hobby could land him in hot water

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Dear Annie: My husband, "Andy," likes to take photographs of other women. I don't mean in a studio. I mean in restaurants, malls, parking lots, wherever he happens to be. He brings his camera everywhere, and when he spots a young, good-looking woman, he snaps her picture.
We have been married for three years, and I think he loves women a little too much. I'm pretty sure he hasn't cheated on me, but who knows what could happen? I talked to Andy about his "hobby," and he promised he would quit. News flash. He hasn't. That camera is still attached to his hand.
I am in my late 40s and think I'm rather good-looking. Andy tells me I am beautiful, but apparently it isn't enough. I am not comfortable with the picture-taking. What do you think of this behavior? Drifting Away
Dear Drifting: Andy sounds like a case of arrested development, and if he doesn't watch out, one of those women is going to call the police.
We're not sure what Andy is doing with the pictures, but this behavior doesn't sound entirely normal. The fact that it bothers you should be reason enough for him to stop, and since he is unable or unwilling to do that, it's time to consider professional help. Please ask your doctor to refer you to a marriage counselor before Andy's hobby gets out of hand and lands him in hot water.
Dear Annie: I'd like to respond to the letter from the 17-year-old who wants to stay home alone while her parents go out of town. I have this same argument every few months with my daughter. It isn't about leaving my "baby" at home. It's that I don't think she is old enough to make correct decisions in a crunch.
I left my older daughter home once, and a lot of kids at school heard I was out of town and showed up with beer and drugs for a party. My daughter wanted to call the police, but the kids talked her out of it.
We were lucky that time, but if something had happened, I would have been liable for any damages, whether to my property or to one of the kids. That is a risk I will not take. Mother of Five in Greensboro, N.C.
Dear Mother of Five: You are absolutely right. There have been a few stories in the news recently about homes that were destroyed when parents went out of town and left the kids at home. Explain to your daughter that even the most trustworthy, responsible teen can lose control of a situation, and the repercussions can be expensive as well as dangerous.
Dear Annie: Last year, I was the treasurer for a nonprofit organization. Each year, this organization raises money for children's activities. Fund-raising season is here, and I want to warn your readers.
Our organization "temporarily" lost over $3,000 because the person who collected the funds deposited the checks but kept all the cash donations for herself. The police were notified, the woman paid the money back, and she escaped further punishment. However, I happen to know she is once again involved with other nonprofit, fundraising activities.
Please tell your readers to write a check when buying items for fund raising. For some people, the cash is simply too tempting. Almost Taken in New Mexico
Dear New Mexico: Thank you for bringing up an excellent point. Most fund-raisers are ethical and honest people. However, large amounts of cash can be seductive, even to an otherwise reliable person. It also makes sense to write a check for tax purposes and record-keeping. Our readers will appreciate the warning.
XE-mail your questions to, or write to: Annie's Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190, Chicago, Ill. 60611.
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