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CURRENT PRICES Around the nation

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Current prices are recorded from antiques shows, flea markets, sales and auctions throughout the United States. Prices vary in different locations because of local economic conditions.
Salt and pepper shakers, ceramic, frontier wagon, man and woman pioneers sitting on wagon, yellow, gold trim, Japan, 21/2 x 2 inches, $25.
Candy container, Independence Hall, clear glass, detailed and embossed, coin slot on roof, marked "Bank of Independence Hall, 1776-1876," 5 x 31/2 inches, $150.
Carnival-glass bowl, Wishbone pattern, amethyst, 3 x 9 inches, $210.
Staffordshire plate, blue-and-white transfer print of "The Landing of the Fathers at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1620," medallions with ships border, 1819-1846, 101/8 inches, $310.
Sterling-silver flatware soup ladle, King George pattern, Gorham, 11 inches, $355.
Sioux Indian doll, buckskin body, beaded yoke, belt and moccasins, brown human hair in braids, painted face, 1900, 7 inches, $420.
Appliqu & eacute;d Friendship quilt, cornucopia fruit baskets, strawberries, grapes, flowers, 1849, 96 x 96 inches, $525.
McCoy turkey cookie jar, 111/2 inches, $600.
Frank Lloyd Wright bench, from the Unitarian Church of Sherwood Hills, Wis., plywood frame, hinged back and chair support, original blue fabric, 1947, 21 x 23 x 28 inches, $1,955.
Tavern table, maple and pine, one drawer, stretcher base, turned legs, 1700s, 25 x 32 inches, $4,880.