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Eight candidates are seeking five seats on the Mohawk Area school board. The terms are four years.

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Eight candidates are seeking five seats on the Mohawk Area school board. The terms are four years. The school district consists of Bessemer, New Beaver and S.N.P.J. boroughs; and Little Beaver, Mahoning and North Beaver Townships. Only Bill D'Amico and Wayne Disque returned Vindicator candidate questionnaires. D'Amico and Disque filed on both the Democratic and Republican ballots. Candidates provided photographs.
Age: 51
Home: R.D. 2, Wampum
Employment: Disabled
Education: Lincoln High School graduate, Ellwood City
Family: Wife, Karen: three children
Priority: That we all work together to keep our students educated and to get them to the next level in life.
Age: 59
Home: 8 Leslie Drive, Edinburg
Employment: Investigator, Lawrence County District Attorney's office since 1996
Education: Strong Vincent High School graduate, Erie, Pa.
Family: Wife, Kimberly; five children
Priority: To make sure the school board, administration and staff work harmoniously to maintain and improve the education and environment for our students.
Other candidates are Ronald Butch*, a Democrat; and Linda Werner*, Anthony Carbone, Ted Morrow, Jonathan Laughner* and Joseph Giancola, all of whom cross-filed on both ballots.