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July wedding set for Jaclyn Jones, William Rausch Jr.

Sunday, June 8, 2003

XBOARDMAN -- Plans for the summer wedding of Jaclyn Nicole Jones, 593 Forestridge Drive, and William E. Rausch Jr., 6849 Lockwood Blvd., are being announced by her parents, William and Judith Jones of the Forestridge Drive address.
The future groom is a son of William and Catherine Rausch, 9210 Howland Springs Road, Howland.
The couple's open wedding will take place at 2:45 p.m. July 26 at Boardman United Methodist Church. Their evening reception will be held by invitation at St. Mary Banquet Centre.
Miss Jones, a Title I teacher with Boardman Local School District, graduated from Youngstown State University with a bachelor's degree in education.
Mr. Rausch earned a bachelor's degree in history-political science and a master's in history at YSU. He is an operations management consultant with the Borders Group in Hermitage, Pa.