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YOUNGSTOWN Organizational changes to go into effect at YSU

Thursday, July 31, 2003

YOUNGSTOWN -- David C. Sweet, Youngstown State University president, said three organizational changes effective Friday should help improve university operations in the face of tight economic times.
The university's Materials Management Department and insurance and risk management functions will now report to Terry Ondreyka, vice president for financial affairs. Those functions currently report to John Habat, vice president for administration.
The Budget Planning Office, currently in the division of financial affairs, will now report to Habat and the division of administration. Sweet said the change will strengthen the connection between the planning process and the budgeting process, and enable YSU to more effectively respond to state legislative and economic issues and implement the Centennial Strategic Plan.
The Office of General Counsel, headed by Atty. Sandra Denman, will now report to the university's division of administration. The general counsel's office currently reports directly to Sweet.
In addition, Sweet announced that the campus mailroom will transfer from materials management to support services. This is an internal transfer within the administrative division.