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HELOISE Social Security numbers are gold to thieves

Thursday, July 31, 2003

Dear Heloise: Identity theft is a national crisis, and your Social Security number is gold to thieves. Since wallets are easily lost or stolen, we would like to remind people to not carry their Social Security cards in their wallets, and we offer the following tip because SSNs are on many health-insurance, Medicare, student or employment cards:
Make a photocopy of your card, front and back. Put the original in a safe place and only carry it on days you need it. Otherwise, carry the photocopy -- after you have cut out the last four numbers of the SSN. For added safety, put those numbers on a sheet of paper along with a brief medical history, including allergies and drugs you take. Give that paper to a trusted friend or relative. Put that person's name and phone number on an "emergency contact" card and carry that in your wallet. Now your SSN is safe from ID thieves, and in an emergency, medical personnel have access to information that can save your life.
By the way, our Web site,, has current information on identity-theft scams, prevention tips and what to do if you become a victim. Linda Foley, Identity Theft Resource Center, San Diego
Linda, thanks for reminding us how important protecting a Social Security number is. Your hint is one I'm adding to the Heloise Hits List. Folks, get that Social Security card out of your wallet. Heloise
Dear Heloise: I would like to warn readers, especially those not familiar with the Internet, that it is extremely easy on the Internet to get an address and even a map to a location with just a phone number. Please don't identify keys in any way. Just keep an extra set and forget about the originals if you lose them. Even with just a phone number, you are giving a possible intruder directions to your house, and that person sure will have the means to walk right in. Jean, Via E-mail
Dear Heloise: I buy batteries when they are on sale, so there will be several packages of the same type in our battery drawer. What I do is mark the date bought on the package. That way, we use the oldest first.
Also, we keep an empty 64-ounce plastic bottle handy, and all the old batteries go in there. All sizes will fit, then when full, I take them to be recycled -- thus keeping them out of the garbage. Jim Ward, Vancouver, Wash.
Dear Heloise: I threw my slacks into the washer and dryer, and when I pulled them out, I nearly died. There were lint and little fuzz balls all over them.
I was desperate, using my de-fuzzer and tape to try to remove all of the lint and little balls. I wasn't getting anywhere.
I then grabbed a disposable razor and started to run it down the legs of my slacks. Lo and behold, it worked beautifully. In five minutes, I was ready and out the door. I have thrown away my de-fuzzer and use only disposable razors instead. Cheryl from Hawaii
XSend a great hint to: Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, Fax: (210) HELOISE or E-mail:
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