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HELOISE There are many ways to support families of military personnel

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Dear Heloise: This is a request to citizens in communities across the nation to support the families of our mobilized and deployed active and Reserve service members. While the military has a number of effective family-support programs, solid support from neighbors and friends goes a long way in assisting the families of our people in uniform. I know, because I am the mom of a Marine.
There are a number of creative ways that friends and neighbors can help:
UOffer to watch the children so that the parent can have some time alone.
UWash the car, change the oil, take pets to the vet, mow the lawn or pick up other tasks that the deployed member would normally do.
USchools, churches and community groups can "adopt" families and create outings or special events for them.
USend a "thinking of you" card regularly to the families, which could include a stick of gum with a note saying, "We're sticking with you through this."
UEmployers of mobilized Guard and the reservists could call the families regularly to see how they are doing.
UIn the past, businesses have offered specials to families of deployed service members, such as discounts on meals, a massage or facial, a fitness-center visit and movie tickets.
ULocal law enforcement can conduct a safety check of the house.
UTeachers and school counselors can spotlight their "heroes" with photos of students' deployed parents hung around the school or in the classroom.
Be a good listener. There are increased responsibilities and new concerns for families when a service member is deployed. Spouses and children need to talk about what is on their minds. Don't forget to reach out to the moms and dads of our service members, too. Remember, we are the ones who protected our fine people in uniform when they were growing up. It is very difficult to see our children, whom we nurtured to adulthood, in possible harm's way.
I know that the only way we are going to get through these difficult times is together. And all efforts to support the families of our "hometown heroes" contribute to this great legacy that is at the heart of America. Proud Mom of a Marine
Dear Proud Mom: Your letter is one I'm proud to print, and I applaud everything you have written.
Having come from a military family, I appreciate all the members of the armed services. Let's take some time to do something nice for a family with a loved one serving our country. Visit my Web site,, for more information about helping military families through the United Service Organizations (USO). Heloise
XSend a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to I can't answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.
King Features Syndicate