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Quotes from the 1990s TV fitness guru's new self-published book, "The Politics of Stupid."

Monday, July 21, 2003

Quotes from the 1990s TV fitness guru's new self-published book, "The Politics of Stupid."
You've learned to live with, excuse and justify your body. The billions of dollars the boys have spent socializing, glamorizing, advertising, justifying, lifestyle habits that kill millions of people have worked really well. You've accepted the powerlessness. You believe it. Slowly that thinking seeps into your life. Insidiously, silently, and before you know it, it becomes your life. It's just the body you are stuck with. It's the physical strength and energy that you accept living without daily.
Understanding the politics of stupid is about understanding exactly how millions of women are instantly lobotomized when it comes to such life-sustaining and vitally important things as knowing what to put into your mouth and body and what to feed your children.
You've been sucked into a brilliant, well designed and hugely funded plan, implemented by the very people who profit much from your nonthinking and silence.
You suffer the consequences, and they profit from it.
Confusion is the glue that holds this whole plan together: Self-doubt, and fear reinforce its strength.
There are two kinds of living: Healthy living, the low-fat, high-quality food, exercising on a regular basis, strong, fit, alive, conscious, activated way or ... the other way.
The biggest lifestyle change you'll every make is to activate your female, intrinsic common sense.
You don't need a degree to burn fat. You do need to understand that being honest, in the privacy of your own brain, is one of the most vital lifestyle changes you need to make.Loving the way your body looks and feels is all about lifestyle changing.
There's only one way on planet Earth to change the way you look and feel: You gotta eat. You gotta breathe. You gotta move. And ... you gotta think!!If there were a diet that worked or a pill that could dissolve fat, any concoction at all that you could take to lose weight without changing your lifestyle, you and I would have found it, and there wouldn't be a fat person on the planet Earth.
It's honesty time. Your body ... the way it looks ... the fat that's hanging from it is: ALL YOUR OWN DOING.
If we can't pronounce it, we don't eat it.
If I go to the store to buy tomato sauce and the word tomato doesn't appear on the label, I put the jar down.
If it glows in the dark, it's not going into our bodies.
We don't eat a ton of fat.
Real food tastes better than chemical concoctions, so we eat it.