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Saturday, January 11, 2003

The American Flag
Facing our symbol of freedom
With our heart in hand
Thirteen stripes, fifty stars
United we stand.
From one coast to the other
A sign that we are free
Our American flag
Unites you and me.
Christina Van Sich
Grade 4
Dobbins Elem.
Baking Smells
When I smell baking.
I get up and start making.
Things in bowls and things in pots.
So when I cook.
The stove gets hot.
I love baking smells a lot!
Erica Ortiz
Grade 4
Mary Haddow Elementary
Math Facts
Oh, there are so many math facts,
My brain is taxed.
At first for a hundred facts, the minutes were five,
I didn't think I'd stay alive.
Then when the minutes were lowered to four,
I almost walked out the door!
Next came three,
I fell to my knees.
But now with practice, I've passed my math fact tests.
And I can join the sleep over with all the rest!
Nicole Petro
Grade 4
Dobbins Elem.
X KIDS: Please don't write poems longer than 50 words. Be sure your teacher or a parent signs your entry so we know you thought it up yourself. We'll need that adult's address and phone number -- just for verification, not for publication. You must be 12 or under. Print your name, grade, school and address clearly on your poem. Send it to MiniPage Billboard, in care of The Vindicator.