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KATHY MITCHELL AND MARCY SUGAR | Annie's Mailbox 'Jeremy' is devastated by false accusation

Tuesday, January 7, 2003

Dear Annie: My son is a senior in high school. "Jeremy" is a good student, and his teachers seem to like him. He has played baseball and football since he was a freshman. This year, he got into some trouble during football practice. The water girl said he was rude to her. Jeremy denied it, and the school personnel who investigated said there was no evidence against him. However, the coach refused to let Jeremy back into practice, and he was not permitted to play the last game of the season.
Jeremy was devastated. He never missed a single game or practice in four years, and the coach punished and humiliated him for something he did not do. Since then, Jeremy has been depressed and withdrawn. I am worried about him. I have tried to talk to the school officials, but no one returns my phone calls. Do you have any suggestions? Concerned Mom in Phoenix
Dear Mom: If there was no evidence against Jeremy, and no one was a witness to the rude remarks, the coach was wrong to punish your son. If, however, Jeremy had displayed inappropriate behavior toward this girl prior to the event in question, the coach may have believed her version of the episode, regardless of Jeremy's denials. If you feel further action is required against the coach, pay a visit to the school in person, and insist on talking to the principal.
Life is often unfair. Ask the school counselor to talk to Jeremy. While it is too late to replay the last game of the season, Jeremy must learn to cope with this major disappointment so he can enjoy the rest of his senior year.
Dear Annie: I am a 41-year-old female, and I am dating a wonderful man. "Malcolm" treats me like a queen. There isn't anything in the world he wouldn't do for me. The problem is, Malcolm is 65 years young.
I had a hard time dealing with the age difference at the beginning of our relationship, and we had a rough first year. Now I realize what a catch he is, and things are more serious between us. However, it is difficult for me to introduce Malcolm to my friends and relatives because they think he's way too old for me.
Malcolm and I get along really well. How do I get over feeling embarrassed when I'm with him? And how should I handle those people who make all kinds of innuendoes about him being a sugar daddy? Up in the Air in Colorado
Dear Colorado: The age difference does not have to be an issue unless you let it define your relationship. People will eventually stop making snide remarks when they see how well you two get along and how much you care for each other. However, if you cannot get past the age difference and feel too embarrassed to be seen with Malcolm, do him a favor and let him go.
Dear Annie: This letter is for all those people who insist on bringing their cellphones into a movie theater: I paid an outrageous amount of money for a ticket and did not come to listen to you yak about your party plans, your girlfriend or how your day is going. I came to see the movie, and you are ruining it for me.
If you aren't in a profession where you need to carry a cellphone 24-7, leave the phone outside, or turn it off. If you absolutely must carry it, set it to vibrate. Last month, I listened as some idiot spent five minutes telling a caller why he couldn't talk because he was watching a movie. Anywhere in the World
Dear Anywhere: Thanks for the reminder. Phones should be turned off, or set to vibrate, when you are at a movie, play, concert, lecture, graduation, wedding, church service, or anywhere else where the ringing and talking would cause a disturbance.
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